A Complete Commentary, with Etymological, Explanatory, Critical, and Critical Notes on Milton’s « Paradise Lost »

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Paterson, James “A Complete Commentary, with Etymological, Explanatory, Critical, and Critical Notes on Milton’s « Paradise Lost »”, RelRace, item créé par Julie Chevallier, dernier accès le 8 Feb. 2025.
Contributeur Julie Chevallier
Sujet Cham et l’esclavage
Description Dans cet extrait, James Paterson utilise la malédiction de Cham comme justification de l’esclavage des Africains, ses descendants.
Auteur James Paterson
Date 1744
Éditeur London : Printed by the Proprietor, R. Walker
Langue en



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Line 101. Irreverent ; Cham or Ham, the youngest Son of Noah, who was cursed for his Disrespect and Contempt of his Father, Gen. 9. 24. 25. And this Curse has lain heavy upon his Posterity to this Day : For the Old Carthaginians, Grecians, Romans, and all the Nations of Europe, made Slaves of the Africans : Let all Children take Care of Disobedience to their Parents. Now he comes to the 11th Subject of this Visionary Revelation.