An Essay upon the Causes of the Different Colours of People in Different Climates

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Mitchell, John “An Essay upon the Causes of the Different Colours of People in Different Climates”, RelRace, item créé par Julie Chevallier, dernier accès le 12 Mar. 2025.
Contributeur Julie Chevallier
Sujet L’origine de la couleur de peau noire
Description Dans cet article de la Royal Society de Londres, John Mitchell affirme que la couleur de peau noire est une adaptation du corps de l’homme par rapport au climat dans lequel il vit. Réfutant la malédiction de Cham, il ajoute que "The black colour of the negroes of Africa, instead of being a Curse denounced on them, on account of their Forefather Ham, as some have idly imagined, is rather a Blessing, rendering their Lives, in that intemperate Region, more tolerable, and less painful."
Auteur John Mitchell
Date 1744
Éditeur The Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), vol. 43, no. 474, p. 146
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For the different Colours of People have been demonstrated to be only the necessary Effects, and natural Consequences, of their respective Climes, and Ways of Life ; as we may further learn from Experience, that they are the most suitable for the Preservation of Health, and the Ease and Convenience of Mankind in these Climes, and Ways of Living : So that the black Colour of the Negroes of Africa, instead of being a Curse denounced on them, on account of their Forefather Ham, as some have idly imagined, is rather a Blessing, rendering their Lives, in that intemperate Region, more tolerable, and less painful : Whereas, on the other hand, the white People, who look on themselves as the primitive Race of Men, from a certain Superiority of Worth, either supposed or assumed, seem to have the least Pretensions to it of any, either from History or Philosophy ; for they seem to have degenerated more from the primitive and original Complexion of Mankind, in Noah and his Sons, than even the Indians and Negroes ; and that to the worst Extreme, the most delicate, tender, and fickly. - - For there is no Doubt, but that Noah and his Sons were of a Complexion suitable to the Climate where they resided, as well as all the rest of Mankind ; which is the Colour of the southern Tartars of Asia, or northern Chinese, at this Day perhaps, which is a dark swarthy, a Medium betwixt Black and White.