The First Empire

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Cozart, Winfield Forrest “The First Empire”, RelRace, item créé par Baptiste Bonnefoy, dernier accès le 13 Mar. 2025.
Contributeur Baptiste Bonnefoy
Sujet La malédiction de Guéhazi
Description Chapitre 2 de The Chosen People, de Winfield Forrest Cozart, où il évoque la malédiction de Guéhazi.
Auteur Winfield Forrest Cozart
Date 1924
Éditeur Boston : Christopher Publishing House
Langue en



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The fact of the matter is, however, color is not the cause of a curse, but if color was the cause of a curse, it would be the white skin and not the black skin. There is no chapter in the Bible stating that black or dark skin is the cause of a curse, or that black skin or dark skin – spots, were inflicted upon any one as a plague or curse. By reading the 13th, chapter of Leviticus, we learn that the plague of leprosy was first indicated by white, red and yellow skin also white hair and when these spots appeared upon a person, that person was considered unclean.

And by reading the 12th, chapter of Numbers from the first to the eleventh verse, we learn that God put a curse upon Miriam, Mose ' s sister, and she “became leprous, white as snow,” because she and Aaron spake against Moses because he had married an Ethiopian (black) woman.

If we read the fifth chapter of the 2nd, Kings, from the first to the twenty-seventh verse, we again find that the curse of leprosy (white skin) was inflicted upon Gehazi, but unto his seed forever, and here mind you, we either have the prophesy of a white race (if one did not exist at that time), or we have the prophesy of a curse upon the white race forever.

At the time of the above prophesy, it was about 900 years B.C., and there is no history of the Anglo-Saxon, or his ancestors at that early period. Therefore, if the color of the skin is a curse, it is the white skin upon which the curse upon which the curse was placed and not the black skin.