A Foggy Night

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Haliburton, Thomas Chandler “A Foggy Night”, RelRace, item créé par Baptiste Bonnefoy, dernier accès le 23 Feb. 2025.
Contributeur Baptiste Bonnefoy
Sujet Caïn, père de la "race blanche"
Description Nouvelle de l'écrivain néo-écossais Thomas Chandler Haliburton, parue dans son recueil Nature and human nature. Le personnage principal, Sam Slick, interroge un jeune noir, Sorrow, qui lui affirme que Caïn est le père de la race blanche.
Auteur Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Date 1855
Éditeur Londres : Hurst and Blackett
Langue en



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“But the colour of Adam,” said I.
“Oh, Massa,” he said, “you knows bery well he was a black gentleman, and Missus Eve a most splendid Swanga black lady. Oh, yes, Massa, dey were made black to enjoy de grand warm sun. Well, Cain was a wicked man, cause he killed his brudder. So de Lord say to him one day, ‘Cain, where is your brudder?’ ‘I don’t know, massa,’ said he, ‘I didn’t see him nowhere.’ Well, de next time he asked him de sef-same question, and he answered quite sarcy, ‘How in de world does I know, sais he, I ain’t my brudder’s keeper.’ Well, afore he know’d where he was, de Lord said to him, in a voice of tunder, ‘You murdered him, you villain!’ And Cain, he was so scared, he turned white dat very instant. He nebber could stand heat, nor enjoy summer no more
again, nor none ob his childer arter him, but Abel’s children remain black to dis day. Fac, Massa, fac, I does assure you. When you like supper, Massa?”