How the first black and white man came

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Anderson, William J. “How the first black and white man came”, RelRace, item créé par Baptiste Bonnefoy, dernier accès le 13 Mar. 2025.
Contributeur Baptiste Bonnefoy
Sujet La malédiction de Guéhazi
Auteur William J. Anderson
Date 1857
Éditeur Chicago, ILL : Daily Tribune Book and Job Printing Office
Langue en



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Read the second chapter of Genesis, seventh verse; it says, “and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the earth, and breathed into him the breath of life, and he became a living soul.” This earth or place where man was formed was in or near the garden of Eden, where the ground was quite black or dark; no one believes that it was white, and therefore the first man was black. The reader may differ with me on this point, but we both have a right to our opinions in these times of free thinking.

Read 2d Kings, 5th chapter, where Naaman came to the Prophet Elisha, the man of God, to be cured of a certain bad disease, and after the man of God had cured him, he would not take anything from his hand as a compensation, and he departed in peace--rejoicing. But Gehazi, the Prophet's servant, ran after him with a lie in his mouth, and said his master, the Prophet, had sent him for two changes of garments, and two shekels of silver. Naaman dismounted from his chariot and loaded his servant with what he asked for, and he carried them back and placed them in the tower, and went in and stood before his master, the man of God. Elisha said to him, “Where hast thou been, Gehazi?” He said, “I have been no whither.” Then the Prophet said to him,

“Well hast thou said thou hast been no whither; did not my heart go with thee when thou followed Naaman, and lied to him for gold and changes of garments? O, Gehazi,” said the man of God, “this is no time to take gold and silver, or lands, or houses. The disease that was upon Naaman shall return upon thee and thy seed forever.”

Gehazi was scared, and he went out from the Prophet white as snow. We perceive, therefore, that there have been white men ever since that time. I have given these views a thousand times in the hearing of the learned, and none of them have disputed my assertions; and you, friendly reader, if you were to examine the Scriptures closely, will find good logic in what I have said. It is true I do not expect the prejudiced to credit these facts, but we are all made of the dust of the earth, and Christ died for all, and we who are faithful to God are going to the same heaven or hell. In every nation he that worketh righteousness is accepted of Him. It is true a great deal has been said about colors, and how they came, but none of us were present when man was created, therefore we have to do the best we can with the writings that are left for our instruction. O, may God help us to search closely and pray over these matters.