The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Together with the mysteries of the old Testament

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Source Jesus Passion
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Emmerich, Anne-Catherine “The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Together with the mysteries of the old Testament”, RelRace, item créé par Vincent Vilmain, dernier accès le 13 Mar. 2025.
Contributeur Vincent Vilmain
Sujet La couleur noire de la peau et les malédiction de Caïn et de Cham
Description Dans les visions mystiques la sœur Anne-Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824) recensées par Clément Brentano sont retranscrits les épisodes de la Genèse auxquels sont ajoutés de nombreux détails. Ainsi la marque de Caïn est-elle associée au noircissement progressif de la peau des descendants de Caïn et la malédiction de Cham consiste-elle, elle aussi dans le noircissement de la peau de ses descendants et dans leur dégradation physique intellectuelle et spirituelle.
Auteur Anne-Catherine Emmerich
Date avant 1824
Éditeur Carl Schmöger, 1914



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He placed a sign upon him that no one should slay him. Cains posterity
gradually became colored. Hams children also were browner than those of
Shem. The nobler races were always of a lighter color. They who were
distinguished by a particular mark engendered children of the same
stamp; and as corruption increased, the mark also increased until at last
it covered the whole body, and people became darker and darker. But yet
in the beginning there were no people perfectly black; they became so
only by degrees.