Jesus Christ was a colored man

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Ax, The Broad “Jesus Christ was a colored man”, RelRace, item créé par Baptiste Bonnefoy, dernier accès le 14 Mar. 2025.
Contributeur Baptiste Bonnefoy
Sujet Jésus était un homme de couleur
Description Cet article revient sur les idées du pasteur afro-américain John Morris Webb, originaire du Tennessee, et qui prétend que Jésus était un homme de couleur.
Auteur The Broad Ax
Date 1904/02/13
Éditeur Salt Lake City, Utah : The Broad Ax
Langue en



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Jesus Christ was a black man, says the pastor of a church at Seattle, Washington. It was only a few days ago when Elder J.M. Webb of the Church of God, quoted chapter and verse from the Bible in a recent sermon to prove that Jesus Christ was a black man and that his features and form were not pretty. Elder Webb is a negro, and he seems convinced that the Savior belonged to the same race as himself.

The elder said that Salomon was a black man and that wise men told the daughters of Jerusalem not to look upon him because he was black.

Elder Webb starts in by saying that Christ was born out of the tribe of Judah, and to trace his genealogy he goes back to Abraham’s time, says that after the death of Sarah, Abraham married an Ethiopian wife named Keturah, who bore him six sons. It is from this stock the elder claims that Jesus Christ sprung.

In his sermon Elder Webb traced the journey of Jacob and his sons down into Egypt and said that two of the sons had Canaanite wives. He said that the Canaanits and Egyptians are all descended from Ham, who is the father of the Ethiopian race. The Israelites remained in Egypt several hundred years and married and intermarried with Ethiopian blood.

Moses, too, married an Ethiopian woman, and Aaron and his wife did not like her because her skin was black. Aaron’s wife was stricken with leprosy later on, so she ceased to talk against her black sister-in-law.

The elder claims that just before Moses died the great prophet and lawyer said that God would raise up a prophet who would come out of Israel, from the line of the black generation that Abraham, Simon, Judah and Moses had brought into Israel by intermarrying with Ethiopian women.

Coming down to David’s time, Elder Webb says that the psalmist married the wife Uriah, who was a Hittite, all of whom were descendants of Ham, and that it was from his mother that Salomon got his black skin.

From David the Elder traced the family right down to the birth of Jesus Christ, nearly two thousand years ago, and quoted Isaiah that when the Savior should come to judge the world “His hair will be like wool and not straight.”