Simon the Cyrenian

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Anonyme, “Simon the Cyrenian”, RelRace, item créé par Mathilde Plais, dernier accès le 5 Feb. 2025.
Contributeur Mathilde Plais
Sujet Simon de Cyrène noir

En 1846, plusieurs journaux abolitionnistes dont l’Anti-Slavery Bugle publient un article intitulé « Simon the Cyrenian ». Puisque Cyrène est une ville du Nord de l’Afrique Simon de Cyrène est noir. Il est présenté comme un symbole de l’annulation de la malédiction de Cham pour dénoncer l’esclavage.

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We read in Luke, that as Jesus moved the cross upon which he was to be offered, he sank benerath his burden, faint and exhausted; and in all that vast crownd, the man selected to bear the cross for him was Simon the Cyreinan. Now Cyrene was a town in the North of Africa, and Simon was therefore an African, and Simon was therefore an African, a black man. They cross of our redemption, the aitar upon which the bloody sacrifice was made, was carried to its appointed place by negro. In the hour of Christ’s physical need, when his earthly strength left him, the man who stepped into his relief was a black man. And shall Christians be indifferent to these people, one of whom was not indifferent to the sufferings of his and their divine master.