A Candid Appeal to the Citizens of the United States, Proving that the Doctrines Advanced and the Measures Pursued by the Abolitionists, Relative to the Subject of Emancipation. Are Inconsistent with the Teachings and Directions of the Bible: and that Those Clergymen Engaged in the Dissemination of These Principles, Should Be Immediately Dismissed by Their Respective Congregations, As False Teachers
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Clough, Simon “A Candid Appeal to the Citizens of the United States, Proving that the Doctrines Advanced and the Measures Pursued by the Abolitionists, Relative to the Subject of Emancipation. Are Inconsistent with the Teachings and Directions of the Bible: and that Those Clergymen Engaged in the Dissemination of These Principles, Should Be Immediately Dismissed by Their Respective Congregations, As False Teachers”, RelRace, item créé par Vincent Vilmain, dernier accès le 23 Feb. 2025.
Vincent Vilmain
L'esclavage retombe sur les descendants de Cham
Le pasteur Simon Clough défend ici l'esclavage comme une institution biblique dont le sceau repose sur les descendants de Cham.